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A few kind words...


"It was an honor working with Jessica as I watched her soar through any obstacle or challenge thrown her way! Talk about “grabbing the bull by the horns,” Jessica’s work ethic is superior, and she is an absolute genius in all aspects of marketing. What I enjoyed the most about working with Jessica is her willingness to partner as a business leader by listening, giving feedback, supporting HR initiatives and most importantly her energy for being a marketing pioneer."

- Shelley Seltenright, Director of People & Transformation/IGT


“Jessica has that rare combination of bravery and intelligence. For years, she worked right along side me and raised my game in the process. She is a rare breed and an awesome person to work with and for. She brings out the best with her endless enthusiasm and drive. As you can tell, I have a lot of respect for her. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself.”

– David Angelo, Founder & CCO/David&Goliath


“Jessica goes above and beyond in everything she does. Not only is the work she puts forth the best possible, she inspires others to also give 120%. She leads by example, teaches every time she presents and motivates by her genuine enthusiasm. What allows her to elevate the level of all those around her? Energy, Love, Passion.” 

– Megan McDonnell, Account Director/RPA Los Angeles


“Jessica Powell is an excellent leader. I've had the privilege of working for her and with her for several years - in that time she helped me grow professionally, widening the scope of my expertise into new and exciting areas of marketing. She is a collaborative leader who sets high standards for her team and inspires them to think critically, keep abreast of industry and discipline developments and work together to achieve results. She is one of those unique marketers who is equally as comfortable talking about sales results and analysis of programs/campaigns, as she is about brand enhancement and expanding the player base. One of the best things about Jessica, however, is her energy and motivational personality. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't feel empowered while on her team. Her positive attitude and ambition went a long way to keep me engaged and focused. I would love to work with her again.” 

– Karin Bernkopf, Senior Marketing Director/IGT Gaming


“She brings the same level of passion and attention to whichever side of the table she sits at. And as a client, she has the added benefit of knowing exactly what is happening on the agency side, and is aware of what is involved in getting something done. She was a wonderful and fair client and was a great creative champion.”

– Nicole Torrillo Smith, Client Service Director/Sapient Nitro


“Jessica is one of the most passionate, driven, and committed account people that I've ever worked with. She is passionate about delivering the best strategic and creative work possible.”

– Tim Anderson, US Director of Planning/Edelman


“She is a great partner, relentlessly contributing to excellence via a combination high standards and effective project management skills. Her outstanding work ethic is second to none. Simply a positive catalytic force and a priceless asset to any organization.” 

– Oliver Meschke, VP Global Business Director/BBDO Berlin


“Jessica's unmatched strategic smarts, common sense and outstanding work ethic make her an exceptional manager and leader. Her ability to approach tough business challenges calmly and always with a smile stimulates a thoughtful, enjoyable work environment that consistently produces great results.”

– Mary Collopy Chick, Management Supervisor/DDB New York


“I really enjoyed working for Jessica - she was excellent synthesizing the needs of all of the marketing disciplines to create integrated campaigns for the Lottery. Jessica encouraged a highly collaborative, team-approach to challenges, and managed the constant change at the Lottery and our agencies with open communication and high energy.”

– Sanjiv Gajiwala, Director of Marketing Activation/Mike’s Hard Lemonade

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